The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Societ Murder Mystery
September 29-Oct 2, October 6-9, 2016
By David McGillravey and Walter Zerlin, Jr
The ladies of the F.A.H.E.T.G. Dramatic Society experience the horrors of what can go wrong on opening night: Scenery collapses, cues are missed, lines forgotten, and sound effects take on a strange note. But the ladies present the evening's entertainment with the cunning whodunit, "Murder At Checkmate Manor," and, just in case the audience should get bored, there's a “Film and Fashion Show and Murder Mystery Quiz,” complete with a prize!
Cast & Crew
Director - Mary Caroline Moore
Stage Manager - Craig Pollock
Assistant Stage Manager - Lariel McCormick
Felicity (playing Pawn, a butler; Colonel King, Lady Bishop’s brother-in-law; Mrs. Castle, the cook) - Allison Yost
Audrey (playing Lady Doreen Bishop, a widow; Violet Bishop, her spinster aunt; Mrs. King, the Colonel’s wife; Joan Bishop, Lady Bishop’s cousin) - Megs Free
Mrs. Reece (playing Clarissa Rook, Lady Bishop’s sister; Régine, the French maid; Patricia Bishop, Lady Bishop’s niece; Letitia Bishop, her sister; Mr. Goodbody, a solicitor) - Terri Whitley
Thelma (playing Daphne Bishop, Lady Bishop’s daughter; Rose Bishop, her spinster aunt) - Andi Laaker
Gordon (playing Inspector O’Reilly) - Tony Daniel
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