Picasso at the Lapin Agile

February 4–7, 11–14, 2016

by Steve Martin

This absurdist comedy places Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso in a Parisian cafe in 1904, just before the renowned scientist transformed physics with his theory of relativity and the celebrated painter set the art world afire with cubism. In his first comedy for the stage, the popular actor and screenwriter Steve Martin plays fast and loose with fact, fame, and fortune and has the two geniuses muse on the century's achievements and prospects as well as other fanciful topics with infectious dizziness. Picasso' agent, the bartender and his mistress, Picasso's date, an elderly philosopher, and idiot inventor Charles Dabernow Schmendimen introduce additional flourishes of humor. Then a surprise patron—a charismatic dark-haired singer time-warped in from a later era—joins the merriment at the Lapin Agile.

Cast & Crew

Director - Jeff Allen

Assistant Director -            Cindy Battles

Cast list

Freddy - Robert Stowe

Gaston - John Caldwell

Germaine - Andi Laaker

Einstein - Chaz Ferguson

Suzanne - Embree Battles

Sagot - Christian Pollak

Picasso - Lenton Lees

Schmendiman - Corey Hendrick

The Countess - Heather Walker

A Female Admirer - Venus Olive

A Visitor - Elizabeth Sandlin


Gallery of photos